Special Funding Application Forms

Before applying for funds from Escambia Children’s Trust, agencies are encouraged to meet with staff to ensure the proposed program/request fits within the priorities of Escambia Children’s Trust and to make certain the correct application is completed.

Sole-source Special Community Initiatives Grant Application Form

Based on community indicators and the priorities of the Strategic Plan, Escambia Children’s Trust accepts unsolicited applications for special community initiatives that are considered to be sole-source procurements. This means that the proposed project is not one that would likely be funded through a competitive process, like a request for proposals or invitation to bid. Sole-source Special Community Initiatives are projects that may be implemented by only one organization or partnership that provides specialized services (for example, the Early Learning Coalition, Escambia County Public Schools Foundation, etc.). The proposer may be the only provider of the service or hold a particular contract that enables them to provide a service or product that is proprietary or dependent upon the contract (for example, Community Partnership School, Federally Qualified Health Centers, etc.). The application process begins with the completion of a three-page summary using the Sole-source Special Community Initiatives application form. Based on the summary, promising programs may be asked to submit a full application for consideration or may be forwarded to the Board of Directors for consideration. Agencies funded through this process are required to sign a yearly contract, submit a copy of their audit, and adhere to ECT program and fiscal policies. Based upon the success of the program in meeting its outcomes and complying with ECT guidelines, programs funded through Sole-source Special Community Initiatives funding may be eligible to apply the following year for continued funding. Applications will be considered for funding on a case-by-case basis. Please allow up to eight (8) weeks for a funding decision.

Matching Grant Application Form

Escambia Children’s Trust makes funds available to agencies applying for grant funds requiring a local match. Escambia Children’s Trust may match up to 50% of the cost of a program meeting the priorities of Escambia Children’s Trust and proposing new or expanding services for children in Escambia County. The application process consists of completing the Matching Grant Application Form and attaching a summary of the program for which grant funds are being sought. Escambia Children’s Trust, in making its funding decision, may pledge the matching funds with the condition the applicant receive the award from the primary grantor. Entities funded through this process are required to sign a contract and adhere to ECT program and fiscal policies, including reporting requirements.